Business cards are very basic networking tools among the business community. A business card that has all the key information will help you stand out from the crowd. It will create a good positive brand image for your right from the beginning. But, creating a card with all the necessary information without creating clutter and unprofessional appearance can be very difficult. The 5 important things that should be included in a business card are:
1. Name and Title
Mystery business cards without any name on them will not be interesting to anybody and will generally end up in trash cans. A business card should have a statement regarding whom it is intended for. It can either be the name of an individual or business for contact and filling purposes. Business cards should also have some information regarding what you do. This information should be included in the title line. The title line can include information regarding your designation in your organization, your skills, and a concise description of the services offered by your company. A business card without a good title line can become another dreaded mystery card.
Name & Title Placement Examples:
Lawyer business card design name with title (designation/occupation)
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Creative Designer Business card design Name with Title:
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Pink Business Card Design with Name & Title at the Top left position
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Another Creative Example of Name & Title
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2. Contact Information with Social Media Profile Links:
A business card must have some information for people to easily contact you. Include all the general contact information like mobile phone numbers, office phone numbers, Email ids, website of your organization, URLs of you organization’s social network pages, etc. Both traditional and modern methods of contact like LinkedIn and Twitter profiles should be included in your business cards.The contact details that you add to your business card can vary from situation to situation. Don’t include obsolete contact details like FAX numbers which are no longer used by many big organizations.
A simple way to add Social Media Icons & Personal Info all together
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Another good example of adding personal contact information with social media links
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Another example of adding social media profile links to your business cards
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3. QR code:
A QR code is availed to show a person’s profile or his (mobile-optimised) website accompanying all the links of online profiles. These are quick response codes which can also encompass a business card holding personal contact information containing social media profiles. It permits a person to scan it from the smartphone and save the details straight away into his phone so that later on he can acquire it. It remains in the phone and cannot be misplaced like other business cards. So QR code is equally important like the other 5 important things.
Some cool examples of adding QR code to your business card design
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Simple yet elegant example of using QR code on the back side of your business card
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QR code on the front side of business card
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This one is the clutter free example of placing QR code on your business cards
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4. Physical Address:
The physical address of your office and the mailing address are both very important parts of a business card. Physical and Mailing addresses are necessary for prospects to visit your office or send any physical documents/samples through mail. However, including physical address on your business card may not be necessary if you do your business is done exclusively online or by mail.
Beautiful Business card with Physical Address
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Another example of adding physical address on business card
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Colorful example of business card with address on the one side of the card
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A nice & clean example of environmental soultion business card design with address
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5. Logos and Graphic Images:
Logos printed on the business cards will help in establishing a company’s identity. Care should be taken to use the logos consistently across all the business cards and other print / electronic materials to avoid any confusion. Small business organizations without any logos can use generic images or custom illustrations that show what the company does. Simple graphic embellishments or boxes on the business card are helpful to separate blocks of information.
Boom Social personal business card with logo on both sides. Bottom colorful stripe is complementing the overall feel of the business card.
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Net Comber (Global website finger printing) business card
A larger size of the company logo on the backside with web url can be a good option. Finger impression is adding up the graphic value of the business card.
Beautifying business card with graphic embellishments can add up a great value
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A beautiful example of using Graphic images in business card design
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6. White Space:
You can add as much information regarding you and your organization on your business card as you want. But, too much information on it will make it look cluttered and unprofessional. Some free white space in the card will make the information on your card look more clear and legible. You can also jot down any additional contact information on the white space of the card depending upon the need.
A perfect example of white base clean business card design
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Clean brown business card design
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Black business card design
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Business cards are the first item prospects receive from you. The above tips will help in creating a great first impression on your prospects through your business cards.
Kelly is a blogger by profession. She loves writing, reading and travelling. She contributes to SEO Morpheus
Business Card Design Inspiration & Free Business Card Templates:
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