
50+ Detailed Hand Lettering Typography by Raul Alejandro


I have seen the kind of graphic designers who love to work on all genres of art and design, they simply are not interested if someone puts a label on them that they are a ‘’one task’’ designer. A graphic designer wants to be called “jack of all trades” which eventually puts a question mark, if they are master of none too?

There is particularly nothing bad working out of your comfort zone; obviously you get too many sorts of tasks which are diverse from each other. But try to explore your potential, try to figure out, what makes you “one of your kind” sort of artist. Unveil the competence by figuring out your flair & aptitude.

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If you are good at Illustrations, make it more refine, poised, and significant aspect of your work. If you are nice at making logo designs, invent new techniques and tactics to draw them differently. It is all about how you present your work of art unconventionally. Because this world is not running out of designers and artists, we already have enough of them.  We are already inspired by them and we have already learned a lot from them.

Grace your own capability by polishing it and making it flawless. Today I am unfolding before you 50+ detailed hand lettering typography by Raul Alejandro. He belongs to USA and is good at typography, animation, designing and lettering. You will be able to pinpoint some really awesome elements in his art of lettering, which is obviously God gifted but being genteel and patted by the artist in a different way.

I am impressed by the minute details he has grip over. The words are dancing on the melody which is unheard but yet beautifully executed. How could someone be so good in his skill, is still a question mark in my mind and that’s what I wanted to draw your attention towards, that to reinvent your style of designing, go with the swing, practice it over and over, add more versatility to it, augment it more and more, make it superfluous and a master wonder.

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Surely you won’t like to hear the remark “stereotype artist” rather you would appreciate if someone compliments you to be “unparalleled”  “in a class by itself” and “unrivaled”. So come up with your own pursuits and perspectives of art and design to make a “change” in the world of design and art scenario.










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  8. 40+ Beautiful Hand Lettering Typography by Raul Alejandro


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