
10 Best Collection of Graphic Design Video Training & Tutorials in DVD Format


You never know what sort of pressure a designer is undergoing because he never shows it off, this is the grace he carries all along his career because when tons and tons of tasks are to be delivered and the deadline runs near then there is nothing that can make you smile.

But graphic designers know how to balance up things, how to meet the desire end, how to satisfy clients and how to do the best in all pursuits they undertake. In the workplace when there is a lot of chaos, employees talking, discussing, negotiating and suggesting, it is difficult to stay focused and concentrate but commendable it is the way a designer creates a masterpiece among them all. You can never reach to the level 10 unless you go from all the stages that take you up there.

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Likewise becoming a professional and prolific all-rounder designer you really have to bite stones sometimes. Read design books, consult web, and also watch the videos that help you to learn new ways to sharpen your skills in design softwares. For a designer it is very important to keep a check on all the latest happenings on the grounds of art and design. There are a lot of videos available that can sort out the issues you are having. Before getting started it is mandatory to get experts’ advice and through the videos many concept become clear.

Reading design literature, the process of making logos, typography, photo editing techniques and more really assist you for a bettering understanding before getting on track. Here I have an assortment of 10 best collection of graphic design video tutorials in DVD format. Audio visuals are the best gestures to learn meritoriously and it also helps in profound consequent results. I hope this post may help you in many ways.

Do let us know about it so we can look up for more of this kind and bring it up for your interest.

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1. Learn Adobe CC Training Video Tutorial DVD

Price: $262.98



2. Designing Effective Logos: Video Training

Buy New: $99.99



3. Learn Character Design in Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator Tutorial Video Training DVD

Price: $19.99



4. Art In The Classroom Series: Graphic Design, Typography

Buy New: $39.95

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5. Lessons in Typography Learn by Video

Buy New: $70.93



6. Learn Design workflow with Photoshop and Illustrator | Total Training Video Tutorials

Price: $99.99



7. Mastering Adobe Photoshop – Techniques For Designers & Photographers Training DVD

Price: $49.95



8. Photoshop Secrets to Get Amazing Photographic Effects Video Tutorials

Price: $44.99



9. Learning 3D Modeling in Photoshop – Training DVD

Price: $49.95



10. Adobe Photoshop Instruction for Fashion Retouching Training DVD

Buy now: $59.99



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Tags: graphic design tutorials, graphic video tutorials, dvd tutorials, photoshop video tutorials, illustrator video tutorials 

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