
20+ Super Photo-Realistic Oil Paintings by Mike Dargas


We have never seen artists who get tired of their work because they love to do what they do and they put the best into what they compose on the canvas. It takes a lot of creativity and innovation to produce something out of the blue therefore an artist has to be mentally present and focused on the task. Only by putting colors on the canvas can never make you an illustrator.

Vincent Van Gogh says, “If you hear a voice within you saying ‘you cannot paint,’ then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.” There is an entire thought and meaning behind every sketch and painting. Only throwing off colors at random will not make the best out of it. Here I have a collection of 20+ super photo-realistic oil paintings by Mike Dargas that you would love to look at, I am totally bedazzled by the collection because they look more than real and tangible.

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How beautifully the artist has drawn the art. It is commendable nevertheless and you would get inspiration from it. No one can say it is not real because the paintings look magically raw and real, as if oozing out of the canvas. This is the skill that nobody has, it is something inborn that only artists can do. I always praise the work of artists because their thought process is different and extra ordinary. It is said, art is made to be appreciated and you don’t have to understand it always.

Because the perspective from which the artist draws the painting is superfluous, soaring above the reality. He drags out imagination which is always fleeting. Look at the collection and make us know what do you think about these, we will be bringing more such amazing stuff in future as well, just stay hooked and give us your feedback. We won’t let you down. Your words are always appeasing and they make us know where we stand.

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20+ Super Photo-Realistic Oil Paintings by Mike Dargas

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