You can never pay back to the creativity of an artist who draws meticulous paintings near reality, they look so tangible sometimes that make anyone wonder how can this be even true? This is the magic in the hands of an artist who can do wonders. It is said, “The artist is the medium between his fantasies and the rest of the world.” So he connects with both __ dreams & its reality.
Although this life has turmoil, turbulences and gross authenticities but still an optimistic artist draws a good and constructive picture out of it. Like writers and poets, artist too reflect the era/generation that he belongs to. It is up to him how does he paints the picture of his period. It relies on the artists how do they do with ‘making history’ so the next generation if ever look back to know the ins and out of the previous era, they will get a positive image out of it.
No matter how ugly the ambiance really is, a good artist still finds out the beauty in any of its corner. A good performer not only veils the flaws but also he gives vent to “what needs to be corrected and reformed”. Here I have a beautiful collection of 30+ most amazing double exposure photography portraits by French artist Nevess. He is yet so young but the way he visualizes and perceives things are more like an adult and mature person who sees on the other side of the picture. He is an exemplary artist whose art can educate the adolescents and make them learn how they can be inversely good in their fields.
I am truly bedazzled by the use of his mind, the way he knitted together two viewpoints gelling in smoothly as part of the same scenario, the colors, the amalgamation of two ideas, two thoughts and two compositions are made one altogether artfully. Without wasting any bit of the time, let us jump into the collection of multiple exposure photography, they are mindboggling and striking enough to motivate young artists as well as experts.
Subscribe us for more design and art posts in future as well. Here we go!
30 Most Amazing Double Exposure Photography by French Artist Nevess
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WOW! It`s very amazing twin exposure photos!