
Free & Premium 3000 Thin Social Media Icons 2017 In Ai, SVG, PNG & ICNS


With the best business tactics you can earn gazillion, not only in terms of monetary affairs but also you can win over people’s surprise. Right commercial procedures build a good stance so the owners and business minded people play well with these the ways that may generate them good amount of audiences and a greater amount of revenue.

If you don’t publicize and advertise about your product/brand; it does not attain what it should. As a result, less number of people will hardly know about you and more of them will remain ignorant. So make it go public though the correct ways, right mediums and exact channels. When a blogger builds his website and blog, he has to keep some features on his fingertips just like the appropriate theme of the blog, the textures and fonts, the genre and niche of the blog and also the social media icons’ set that are certainly important ingredients to keep a successful blog.

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Recently I accumulated 3000 thin social media icons 2017 that are world’s largest collection to outdo the performance and significance of your blog– Only for $49. You must check them out and get your hands on them for your blog. Give vitality and juvenile approach to your website, make its cooler impression to the visitors, attach the best and suitable icons’ pack on your blog and get your blog noticed by people.

Remember your one wise step eradicates 100 errors so make sure you do the best you can to build a positive, influential and striking blog that not only is apt for education, art, design but to all that gives people awareness and exposure. Put any of the social icons’ kit on the header/footer or in the sidebar (wherever it looks suitable). They are deviating and intimidating therefore people cannot resist clicking on them; and get connected to you through all available social sites. Choose the best for your website right away! Stick around for more interesting collection, we are never short of design dose & we feel ecstatic having to know that you are loving our efforts. Here we go!

Thin Free Social Media Icons 2017


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Free Version:

Available Format: Layered PNG
License: Free for personal usage
7-Zip File Includes: 20 PNG Icons
Available Size: 256, 128, 48 px

Thin Free Social icons 




Premium 3000 Thin Social Icons 2017 In Ai, SVG, PNG & ICNS


Premium Version:

PNG Dimension: 1024, 512, 256, 128, 48 px
File Type: Ai, SVG, PNG, ICNS
Software Version: Illustrator CS6
License: Commerial Usage for Lifetime
File Size: 196 Mb
Zip File Format: 7-Zip
Extract only with: 7-Zip
Say thanks if you like my freebies or share/tweet with your friends. Means a lot to me. 🙂
And don’t forget to follow or subscribe for more high quality freebies & awesome articles.



More Social Media Icons for blogs and websites:

  1. 300 Cute Girly Social Media Icons in Ai, PNG format | Free + Premium
  2. 270 Simple Circle/Round Social Media Icons in Vector Ai, EPS, CDR, SVG & PNG Format
  3. 20 Free Social Media Icons for Art Websites
  4. 250 Free & Premium Transparent Social Media Icons for Dark Website Backgrounds
  5. 250 Free & Premium Rounded Corners Social Media Icons 2016
  6. 250 Premium Circle Social Media Icons 2016 | Free & Premium Version
  7. 250 Round High Quality Social Media Icons 2016 | Free & Premium Version
  8. 10 Best Free Social Media Icons Set by Designbolts


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  1. Hi Mr Zee Que, thank for the wonderful work who you do :).
    Im Redallah SALIM, Moroccan begginer graphic designer, and im trying to get more professional, but i don’t resources, and the best resouces are payed, like you know !!
    Im greedy in your morals generousity, to get me this work like a encouragement, between brothers, and Colleagues on the same ship 🙂 ?!*

    Thank you so much for your attention, and good luck for your future works :).
    cordially Redallah.

    • Thanks for the encouraging words. Keep on doing the things you love and be consistent, make good choices and dream big, you will one day be as good and great as anyone. Have a successful life. 🙂


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