
Free Man Holding Skateboard Mockup PSD


While designing a creative for one of our clients, we realized that stock images cannot always offer a lot of options or angles. And it was when we decided to come up with a solution not just for ourselves but for you guys as well. With this blog post today, you will also find a free skateboard mockup PSD file. The mockup file is fully editable so you will enjoy working on it and easily place your artwork on smart object.

You’d know that there are many companies which want to try out new stuff but they don’t because either they are afraid of the results or they are not provided with proper execution and conceptual ideas. To be able to educate and demonstrate your client well, always take help of a mockup. Because a mockup helps all the stakeholders make informed decisions regarding any sort of artworks, product packaging and almost everything for that matter.

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Since skateboards are meant to give fun vibes, make sure that any skateboard that you design has that funky element on it. You can also design the layout etc. keeping in mind the audience. For example; for kids the skateboard will be all bright and colorful with maybe some cartoon characters too whereas, for adults you can choose subtle color tones, graffiti etc.

To start the design process, make sure that you have sketched it out well on a piece of paper or even on your screen. Doing this will help you cater to changes and revisions easily and effectively. Always keep in mind that there will be changes and a lot of them so be mentally prepared that by the end of the day, it will be you and your amazingly beautiful design to stand out from the crowd.

Also, create at least three different versions of a design so that if one design gets rejected, you have two more versions to present. Having a rationale behind every design can be a plus for you and your company. That being said, we hope that this freebie and our free skateboard PSD mockup will help you in creating attractive skateboards!

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Free Man Holding Skateboard Mockup PSD



Available Format: Photoshop PSD
License: Free for personal and commercial usage
File Format: WinRAR
Mockup Resolution: 4000 x 3000 px
Artwork Size: 720 x 2650 px

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Download Skateboard Mockup




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