
18 Amazing Papercut Animal Portraits By Patrick Cabral


Today totally feels like a day for an artist’s appreciation blog but of course, in addition to that we will also share how Patrick Cabral creates layered animal portraits using his skills and imagination. Hi guys let’s all gather together virtually for this super interesting blog of ours!

A little something about Patrick Cabral himself: He is a Philippines based artist who is an expert in calligraphy and lettering as well as typography, is a freelance art director and has also worked as a web developer back in the day. He also works with Hallmark USA and creates occasion based cards for them using his typography and illustrations.

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And in this blog, you will be able to have a look at Cabral’s multi layered portraits (mostly animals). Since it is a very digital world we are living in, Cabral thought of another interesting way to let the viewers see his animal portraits from every angle. What he did was that he used the 3D Photo Rendering feature offered by Facebook and intelligently turned his photographs & portraits into a 3D photo album – which means that you can not only view the art works from different angles but can also get to see the layers and the depth in them.

Patrick picked up a number of animals to create portraits for example; a cow, an elephant, a tiger and a lion. He has also created portraits of birds like; an eagle. In addition to that, he has also created portraits of a fish, a whale as well as a honey bee.

You will notice very intricate details which have been added to all the portraits created by Cabral. It is not just a matter of skills and imagination but to come up with ideas and concepts which require in depth working also require a lot of patience and of course, time and efforts. The more persistent and patient you are with even one design, the more refined version of it will be produced by you in the end. So, go through the entire collection of Patrick Cabral, enjoy it thoroughly and feel free to get inspired too!

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18 Amazing Papercut Animal Portraits By Patrick Cabral

Amazing-Layered-Animal-Portraits-by-Patrick-Cabral-(1) Amazing-Layered-Animal-Portraits-by-Patrick-Cabral-(1) Amazing-Layered-Animal-Portraits-by-Patrick-Cabral-(1) Amazing-Layered-Animal-Portraits-by-Patrick-Cabral-(1) Amazing-Layered-Animal-Portraits-by-Patrick-Cabral-(1) Amazing-Layered-Animal-Portraits-by-Patrick-Cabral-(1) Amazing-Layered-Animal-Portraits-by-Patrick-Cabral-(1) Amazing-Layered-Animal-Portraits-by-Patrick-Cabral-(1) Amazing-Layered-Animal-Portraits-by-Patrick-Cabral-(1) Amazing-Layered-Animal-Portraits-by-Patrick-Cabral-(1) Amazing-Layered-Animal-Portraits-by-Patrick-Cabral-(1) Amazing-Layered-Animal-Portraits-by-Patrick-Cabral-(1) Amazing-Layered-Animal-Portraits-by-Patrick-Cabral-(1) Amazing-Layered-Animal-Portraits-by-Patrick-Cabral-(1) Amazing-Layered-Animal-Portraits-by-Patrick-Cabral-(1) Amazing-Layered-Animal-Portraits-by-Patrick-Cabral-(1) Amazing-Layered-Animal-Portraits-by-Patrick-Cabral-(1)



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