
Free Food Essence Color Flavor Bottle Mockup PSD


Hey there guys! We were thinking to ask you some personal questions before we start our blog. Don’t worry, the questions are not too personal but we would want to know if you like or umm love eating food. Do you also like to cook it too or is it like you want to try out a new recipe so you find an alternative from a nearest store and you are like ‘Oh, yeah that can work!”? Or are you that sort of a person who has to create their own food in their own creative ways and all?

We are somewhere in the middle of feeling over excited to try cook almost everything new that pops on our screens or is mentioned by a friend or we choose to let other prepare the food for us while we chat with our friends or family members at our favorite cafes and restaurants. But yes, we would love to agree that food videos are so good and interesting that we cannot stop ourselves from watching them. And at times, they are on their own while we indulge into the goodness of their ingredients and skills to decorate the food and crockery.

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Oh, and while we are at it – we would also like to mention here that we just love colored food. As in everything that is created using one plain color or an interesting combination of different colors. That is fantastic and totally divine when that food item tasted great as well. Normally, we have seen bakers getting creative when they are baking cupcakes and cakes and other items like pastries, cookies, one bite desserts and so much more but there are many other cuisines that allow the chefs and cooks to use different food colors to make the food look more aesthetically pleasing.

As we know that chefs and food enthusiasts are always experimenting with ingredients in order to put something unique and delectable on the table. They are also always making new dishes with their imagination at times. Sometimes, they get too impressed from an already existing recipe that they roll out their special recipes as well and sometimes they are literally there to inspire all the aspiring cooks too.

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Everything that is done in the kitchens is something that we cannot ignore. From farm ingredients to the ones that are man made, we just cannot put count them or make a list of what comes under which category to really define an ingredient. And on top of that, these creative cooks want to play with newer stuff on a daily basis and probably, that is why food essences in flavors were introduced.

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The main purpose of creating / extracting essences is that if you are unable to get a vegetable, fruit or anything else (strictly food related) because well, it doesn’t grow in your country, it is probably off season or it could also be because you just want to stick to the essence for some time.

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So, the product has to be packaged and sold too and how is that done!? Through proper advertising and marketing, right? And that is where we come in. If you still don’t know what that means then know that we are here with our free but highly editable free food essence color flavor bottle mock-up PSD that is all ready to be downloaded and edited. The best part about our mock-up PSD files is that you can have them edited in whatever way you like and then you can easily include all the designs in your mock-up presentations for review meetings and for final approvals.

As you can see that we have placed the bottle in a human hand so that you can clearly get the idea of the size and as long as the branding is concerned, you need to keep reading the blog to know more!

  • Your food essence color flavor bottle must have a prominent logo placed nicely on the top or in the center for brand recognition and recall.
  • Choose eye friendly colors or you would want to keep the essence relevant to the flavor it will provide to the consumer.
  • Don’t forget to mention the quantity, extraction / manufacturing as well as expiry dates along with the information as to inform the consumer if any artificial flavors were added to enhance the base flavor etc.
  • You can obviously change the color of the cap to create harmony between the design and brand colors and make it more relevant.

Once you have worked on multiple design approaches and ideas, it is important to create a detailed mockup presentation and then demonstrate your visual thoughts in front of your team lead or the clients themselves.

That’s all for today! We hope that you will find this blog and our free food essence color flavor bottle mock-up PSD file useful and that you will also share it within your graphic design circle.

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Free Food Essence Color Flavor Bottle Mockup PSD

Free-Food-Essence-Color-Flavor-Bottle-Mockup-PSD-File-1 Free-Food-Essence-Color-Flavor-Bottle-Mockup-PSD-File-1

Available Format: Layered PSD with smart object insertion
License: Free for personal and commercial usage
RAR File Includes: Free Essence Bottle Mockup PSD
Mock-up Resolution: 4000 x 3000 px

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Download Bottle Mockup Download Editable Label Template




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