
Free Outdoor Advertising Digital Backlit MUPI Mockup PSD


Hey there guys! We are back with yet another insightful & interesting blog for you guys and we are sure that you are going to love it as we are going to be talking about MUPI. So, let’s get started!

MUPI might sound like a name of something that we are not familiar with, right? And we can bet that you must be wondering what it is and why we created a mock-up PSD for that. MUPI happens to be an outdoor panel which is used for advertising and it can also be used for public information as well like announcements (from the government, traffic regulatory authorities, health care departments etc.).

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We really like how this panel is becoming one of the most favorite modes of communication in the advertising & marketing world and in this part of our blog, we will explain how it works and why you should consider a digital backlit MUPI for your business. Okay so, as the name says that it is a digital backlit MUPI which means that it is a digitally operated information panel that gets it light from the back and the message(s) can be read easily because of that.

Digital backlit MUPIs are installed on sideways of roads so, that they are visible enough for huge numbers of people as well as near bus stops where hundreds of people wait during the day and that is one of the best spots to have your brand get noticed without doing a lot of things or spending a lot of money on your advertising or marketing plans.

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We are sure that you must have also seen brands / organizations going out of business only because of the fact that they did not try to up their advertising and marketing game nor did they bring anything new to the table to cater to the needs of a modern day man.

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As you all know that all the brands that are still in business are there because they keep upgrading themselves on a regular basis so, that their existing customers do not get bored of the communication and the potential ones can actually feel attracted towards a certain product, service or an entire campaign depending on its newness and modernity.

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Same is the case with incorporating new modes of communication like digital billboards, interactive ads on digital mediums and so much more that not only grabs the attention in seconds but the content and the advertisements are done brilliantly that the marketers end up achieving their goals in no time as well and that is the power of great content and the way you execute it.

Digital backlit MUPIs are considered to be feasible as well as comparatively newer and we think that brands should consider them to communicate with their audience and to spread their messages well. Also, we needed to work on something that is going to hit the market – in a good way and we could not think of anything but a digital backlit MUPI so, we are here with its free mock-up PSD file.

Designing a digital backlit MUPI might seem difficult for people who do not have access to our free mock-up PSD file but for those who do have access to our blog and know how to use their creativity and imagination along with the skills to create something out of the box, we are going to share a few easy to follow design tips with you guys:

  • To create your very own digital backlit MUPI design, first you need to go through the campaign to know & understand the objectives that it is supposed to achieve – as this information will help you in determining the colors of the MUPI along with its fonts, design elements and everything else for that matter.
  • Your next step must be to work on the content and for that your Creative Team would help you make a plan so, for instance; you have a campaign to make people aware of the Coronavirus and how certain tips can help them stay safe, you will have to come up with multiple copies for multiple designs.

May be a story sort of a thing to you know, set a ground and then create tips or tricks to get rid of the germs and stay safe by sharing them one by one on your digital backlit MUPI.

  • For your branding, ensure that your logo and the tag line get their prominent place on the MUPI and another thing that you can do to stand apart from other brands is to choose such colors, design elements, fonts & styles that do not lose their identity and uniqueness.

And of course, one you have compiled all the design ideas & creative thoughts, make sure that you also create multiple design options to put them all in a detailed mock-up presentation. Share the ideas with the concerned decision-making parties and after getting their formal approvals, have the digital MUPIs designed and installed on your designated spots.

Free Digital Backlit MUPI Mockup PSD


Available Format: Photoshop PSD
License: Free for personal and commercial usage
File Format: WinRAR
Mock-up Resolution: 4000 x 3000 px

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Download Mupi Mockup


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