
Free Shadow Cream Tube & Box Packaging Mockup PSD


Hello there readers! We are back with yet another interesting blog of ours and of course, a free mock-up PSD file to help you work on your next design project so, let us get started without any further delays.

The business of cosmetics & beauty products has been progressing day by day and we can bet that you come across a new product on a daily basis on your social media platforms or while watching TV. We also know that all the companies are working on skin care related issues that we never thought existed or that needed a specific formula to deal with for example; people with freckles would own their freckles like a boss but now you can literally get creams & lotions to get rid of them.

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Owning one’s skin color has also become a debate in recent times – mainly because of the fact that the brands are offering superficial, short time solutions to the audiences around the globe by also taking a dig at the dark skin colored people or the people who have wheatish skin tones. Since the world is moving forward, it feels sad to mention it here that many businesses and brands do not try to educate themselves or their audience as their only goal is to make money even if their ideas of the business does not make any sense.

Most of you would know about this but those who do not know, we are stating it here for you guys that it’s not just the products but there are medical treatments too that help you deal with skin issues that are now being portrayed as issues. Our problem is not with the solutions here but with the fact that there are businesses that run around the idea of making non-issues a thing and then cashing up on them in one way or the other.

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By running a dirty business, companies do not understand that those brands and products also suffer that are doing nothing but the right thing by delivering the right message(s). We believe that anyone and everyone who has enough knowledge to speak on this issue and can also educate the masses must come forward and speak through their personal or professional platforms to make things right. Now, we know that it might become a huge task but there is no harm in trying, you know!

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Having said that, we are here for the businesses, brands and products that are loyal to their audiences, that do not create problems out of literally nothing to sell a thing or two and that believe in fair play no matter what they are doing & offering to their customers. For our today’s blog, we have created this free yet highly editable free shadow cream tube & box packaging mock-up PSD file. This mock-up PSD file will help you generate stunning packaging design ideas for your existing or upcoming product, and you will also be able to have the deal signed in like minutes. Allow us to introduce you to our mock-up PSD file now!

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As you know that we keep our mock-ups close to reality and with the shadow, you are going to demonstrate a realistic design approach of the product in front of your team and clients. The interesting part is that you can literally sell any product with this free tube & box packaging mock-up PSD – but make sure that your product(s) offer solutions to real problems so, that you do not happen to bring bad reviews for the business.

Skin care products are to be designed using colors that complement the idea that this and this product has to be used to cater to human skin. For anything that is organic, you might want to opt for colors with earthy tones like beige, tones of green like olive green, fern green, forest green etc., umber, sienna and for the fonts, you can try experimenting with black and white as these colors will stand out on their own.

For your products that are not organic and are created using special medications and formulas in laboratories etc. feel free to use colors like bright yellow, green, orange, baby pink, blue but you know what is the most classy color when it comes to the packaging of cosmetics / beauty products? Well, it is white. With a hint of gold and black and the combination will appear to be so attractive, you will fall in love with it.

As long as the fonts are concerned, you can use the ones that we have used in the original mock-up PSD file or you can pick and choose from the below mentioned list:

  • Helvetica Neue
  • Avant Garde Gothic
  • Optima (Sans Serif type)
  • Gotham/Adobe Garamond

Design elements add more to the aesthetic beauty so, you would want to play with geometrical shapes to see what works best for the overall design and you will be good to go.

That’s all for today! We hope that you will find our blog and free shadow cream tube & box packaging mock-up PSD file useful. Don’t forget to share your requests in the comments section and we’ll come back with those and more in our next blogs.

Free Shadow Cream Tube & Box Packaging Mockup PSD


Available Format: Layered PSD with smart object insertion
License: Free for personal presentational use only
RAR File Includes: Cream Tube Mockup PSD

1. PSD Tube Mockup is allowed for sharing online (A Must Linkback to this page)
2. Layers are hidden to decrease the size of file kindly unhide and place your design on red colored layer.
3. Say thanks if you like or share/tweet with your friends.

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Download Cream Tube Mockup





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