
50+ Modern Typography Logo Design / Logotype Ideas for Designers 2020


Hi there friends! We are back with yet another super interesting blog of ours but before we start talking about that, we would like to thank each one of you for being extra generous when it comes to sharing your positive feedback with us and for always encouraging us.

As you guys know that our agenda is to be there for you when it comes to creative ideas, design templates and PSD files and so much more and today, we will be talking about logotypes and how you can make them by sharing 50+ modern logotype examples for designers, so let us get started!

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We have seen multiple people getting confused when things like logomarks and logotypes are mentioned in front of them for a task. We would love to share how you can differentiate between the two by using the simplest of words. Okay so, a logomark is a logo centered around a symbol, image or icon whereas; a logotype is a logo that is centered around a company’s name or its initials. Basically, a logotype is a logo that focuses on the name of a business rather than the images, icons etc. and that is what makes it stand out too.

Since all the business in the world are trying their best to win the race or to be better at it – in one way or the other, branding is always one of those things that’s given more importance to and there are businesses that happen to care more about how they appear than their performance etc. And maybe that works for them too but in the longer run, you have got to pay more attention to your products and services so, there is that!

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Coming back to the topic, which is of logotypes, we want each one of you to make sure that you guys do your research first whenever you sit on your work table to initiate a branding task. It is not only important for the business that you are going to work for, but it is also important for you as the designer too. Always remember that goals are achieved when we put in our efforts, thoughts and imagination in a way that it turns out to be nothing but the best for us.

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Creating logotypes is an interesting way of branding a business – it is far more easier than working in logomarks or logos in general as all you have to do is to think of ways to make the name look aesthetically pleasing, so pleasing that you continue making more and more loyal customers. There could be hundreds of ways that would make sense for you – depending on the business, its goals as well as the audience that the business is in business for but there are a few things that must be considered a standard. And we are about to share those and more:

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Always, always, always start the branding by reading up on the brand / business as much as you can and as much as you have to read about it. Only then you will be able to think of all the things that matter for the branding and the business itself. For example; you are working for a business that sells jewelry. Now, what does come to your mind when you hear the word and what type of audience would you plan to cater to? The answers will make a way for you to a connected thought.

Your next step is to sit down with the thoughts and of course with your creative team to discuss and brainstorm everything that comes to their mind. Better to write and sketch everything down for future reference – as we have also worked on ideas that we would discard at the beginning.

Once you have decided and shortlisted the ideas that you would want to take forward to design them out, also make sure that you are all up for creating multiple options too. The only reason why we always encourage you guys to work on more than one idea is to guide you through the process that it is better to present a variety of options.

Let’s now have a look at the 50+ modern logotype examples for designers! Check all of these out in detail, feel free to be inspired too so that you can work on your very own logotypes in no time. The logotype that was created for Theurel & Thomas is one of its kind because of how neat it is and when you look at it, you know that that place is determined to provide a luxurious shopping experience. Matraka EXP/MKT’s logotype is subtle, it tells you that the company provides experiential marketing services and it is pretty evident from the words. Nothing fancy, just an impression and there you have it.

There are many more modern logotypes that are in our blog and we would love it of you guys could spare some time to go through all of them in detail. Don’t forget to let us know which ones you liked the most in the comments section down below!

50+ Modern Typography Logo Design / Logotype Ideas for Designers 2020

modern logotype ideas logo design 2020 modern logotype ideas logo design 2020 modern logotype ideas logo design 2020 modern logotype ideas logo design 2020 modern logotype ideas logo design 2020 modern logotype ideas logo design 2020 modern logotype ideas logo design 2020 modern logotype ideas logo design 2020 modern logotype ideas logo design 2020 modern logotype ideas logo design 2020 modern logotype ideas logo design 2020 modern logotype ideas logo design 2020 modern logotype ideas logo design 2020 modern logotype ideas logo design 2020 modern logotype ideas logo design 2020 modern logotype ideas logo design 2020 modern logotype ideas logo design 2020 modern logotype ideas logo design 2020 modern logotype ideas logo design 2020 modern logotype ideas logo design 2020 modern logotype ideas logo design 2020 modern logotype ideas logo design 2020 modern logotype ideas logo design 2020 modern logotype ideas logo design 2020 modern logotype ideas logo design 2020 modern logotype ideas logo design 2020 modern logotype ideas logo design 2020 modern logotype ideas logo design 2020 modern logotype ideas logo design 2020 modern logotype ideas logo design 2020 modern logotype ideas logo design 2020 modern logotype ideas logo design 2020 modern logotype ideas logo design 2020 modern logotype ideas logo design 2020 modern logotype ideas logo design 2020 modern logotype ideas logo design 2020 modern logotype ideas logo design 2020 modern logotype ideas logo design 2020 modern logotype ideas logo design 2020 modern logotype ideas logo design 2020 modern logotype ideas logo design 2020 modern logotype ideas logo design 2020 modern logotype ideas logo design 2020 modern logotype ideas logo design 2020 modern logotype ideas logo design 2020 modern logotype ideas logo design 2020 modern logotype ideas logo design 2020 modern logotype ideas logo design 2020 modern logotype ideas logo design 2020 modern logotype ideas logo design 2020 modern logotype ideas logo design 2020

Credit: Anagrama Studio


More Awesome Logo Design Ideas For Inspiration:

  1. 30+ Awe-Inspiring Hand Lettering Logotype Examples by Mateusz Witczak
  2. 24 Perfectly Crafted Logos By Mase
  3. Why Are Line Art Logos Preferred by Clients?
  4. 25 Awesome Logo Animation for Inspiration
  5. Describing Logo Designs With Animation | A New Logo Trend of 2019
  6. 19 Static & Animated Inspiring Mystic Logo Design Ideas
  7. Letter A to Z Logo Design, Marks, Symbols, Monograms for Inspiration
  8. 30+ Modern Logo Design Samples & Logo Marks For Inspiration
  9. From Concept to Reality | 20+ Modern Logo Designs with Sketches
  10. 14 Examples of Creative Negative Space Logo Design Exploration By Yoga Perdana


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