
Free Hanging Packaging Box Mockup PSD


Hi there friends! First things first; thanks so much for your overwhelming response on our previous blogs and for also making sure that you share them with your loved ones as well as with your favorite colleagues too. Your constant support, constructive feedback and interesting suggestions motivate us to keep creating content that can help you deliver awesome creative and design projects in no time. Our today’s blog focuses on a packaging item and we have made a highly editable mock-up PSD of that so, let us get started!

For packaging designs, it is important for the graphic designer/visualizer to know what their objective is before they initiate the design process. Knowing what to create and then to create it not only saves a lot of time but you also get to make other options too (if need be) so that you can share a variety of thought processes to share with the client or with your team mates, bosses etc. Here is how you can set the course of your packaging design that is not only going to be a powerful and impressive one but you will also see that it has the capability to instantly grab attention.

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We know that we have said it before, but it is extremely important to share it with you guys again that the packaging design (exterior) of the product that convinces the audiences to actually purchase it *has* to be so good that they cannot resist spending their money on it. Now, the question is how to do it? You need to first understand that the packaging itself is an experience and you must make it a better one so that more and more people are attracted to it.

Impress the audiences by impressing their senses; how is the packaging when it is looked at? Does it welcome you? How do you feel when the packaging is touched? Does it make you feel anything? Is it sensual? Does it also produce sound? If yes, is the sound a calming one? How much does it make you want to get it? These are a couple of basic questions that you can ask yourself in order to help your imagination and creativity be on the right track. If you are creative enough, you can provide an experience for the smelling and tasting as well but that can be worked on in the second step (although, a complete package is to provide an excellent product packed in beautiful packaging).

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All the things that we have mentioned above will help your audiences know what the product is, how they need to use it and when to use it as well as if it would be a wise decision to spend their money on it too.

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Before you start the packaging design process, you will also have to work on the following pointers:

  1. What is your product?
  2. Who is / will purchase your product?
  3. How will the product be bought?

Even if you are not directly involved with the production or manufacturing of the product, you must know the product inside and out to work on the packaging design. Your next step is to know the audience and if there are multiple audiences (primary, secondary etc.), then you will have to design the packaging in such a way that it can convince them to purchase it.

And lastly, you must plan out how your audience will buy the product. Because only then you will be ale to package it accordingly. It could be a drug store product, a luxury product or something to be bought online and once you have your answers; you will think differently for all sorts of outlets.

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Now, work on what your brand personality is and how you plan to reflect it through your packaging design. It is not rocket science as everything is quite literally there so you will have to pick your colors, design elements, fonts, imagery including the logo as well as the copy.

If you are launching something and you want to keep that offer for a month or two, your packaging will mention it but once the offer is over, you will have to get it redesigned so that you do not happen to deliver wrong or irrelevant messages. For such situations, our suggestion would be to keep the packaging design clean in a way that even if you remove that offer from it, you do not have to have it redesigned and in that case, you will only have to pay for the production of the new packaging.

And now that we have mentioned what to do and how to do it when it comes to designing packaging, we can bet that our free hanging box mockup PSD file will help you create what you want to create that too in style. So, what are you waiting for? Get your hands on our mock-up PSD right away and start creating stunning packaging designs.

Free Hanging Packaging Box Mockup PSD


Available Format: Layered PSD with smart object insertion
License: Free for personal presentational use only
RAR File Includes: Box Mockup PSD

1. PSD Box Mockup is allowed for sharing online (A Must Linkback to this page)
2. Layers are hidden to decrease the size of the file kindly unhide and place your design on a red-colored layer.
3. Say thanks if you like or share/tweet with your friends.

Download Hanging Box Mockup


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