
50 Cute Doodle Logo Design Collection by Cole Ni


Hi there everybody! First things first; thanks so much for your overwhelming response on our previous blogs and for also sharing them with your loved ones, friends and colleagues. It feels so great to know that we have your constant support and that you take out the time to share your constructive feedback with us too. As you have already read the title of our today’s blog, we would like to dive right into it so that we can share the 50+ cute logo designs beautifully created by Cole Ni. Let us get started!

Creating logo designs is one of our personal favorite things to do and if you are our regular reader, then you would know how much we love creating logos and sharing the masterpieces of artists around the globe as well. In this extensive collection of logo designs, we will share how Cole Ni carried forward the design theme set by The Alans which is; young and trendy.

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As you all know that every branding design that is created focus on the target audiences and what they will like. You won’t see a thing that is irrelevant when it comes to branding and that is why businesses and companies are operating in the markets, otherwise, what’s the point, right? Also, whenever you see something attractive enough to take you to a shop you have never entered before or to place an order online at a store that has just started their business, that’s because the concerned teams worked on a strategy and made it all work to execute their plans publicly.

What we are trying to say is that it’s important for the brand, marketing and advertising teams to sit together and think of all the possibilities and opportunities to work on a single strategy that will take your brand to the level where it deserves to be. Although, most of you guys know that but we want to make it clear that once you have done viewing this 50 cute doodle logo design collection, you should also make sure that you take inspiration for the brands that can go with cute logo designs. Allow us to explain that in the next part of our blog!

Cute logo designs can’t go with every brand similarly, serious and mature logo designs can’t be for every brand either. So, how do you decide the tonality of your logo designs and branding? It’s simple; you can tell that by the nature of your business as well as by getting to know your target audiences. For example; you are working on a brand that sells fast food items. Now, your target audience have a pool of people from different age groups including kids and even though the kids won’t be interacting directly with you; you will still have to cater to their needs. Right?

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So, what should you do in order to communicate with the kids as well as with the adults while maintaining one tone for the communication? Create a communication strategy that allows you to make a connection with people of all age groups and genders so that they do not feel excluded and want to reach out to you in one way or the other. This could require you to work on setting (achievable) goals first.

The best way to go about that is to see how your audiences respond to certain messages; do they like the quirkiness, or do they prefer getting in touch with you when you share a message that is formal? Once you have figured that out, you will be able to develop content for the ones you are communicating with. It’s easier to do when you know the routes for example; for kids’ related deals / items, you can target their parents, siblings etc. directly but make them take an action for the things that you are selling for the kids. You won’t have to put in a lot of efforts when it comes to eatable items for your business that you sell for the adults so what you can do is to keep the tone fun and playful while making sure that your target audience is buying what you want to sell to them only.

And that is how you will find yourself at the point where the communication strategy will start working effectively as per the logo design and branding that you have chosen for your respective brands. Okay so, that is all from our end for today, you guys! We hope that you had a great time reading our blog and that you will also make the most of these 50+ cute logo designs by taking inspirations from them. And when you do, feel free to share your feedback with us in the comments section. Also, don’t forget to share this blog with your favorite colleagues so that they can get inspired too and we will see you all next time with something more fun & inspiring.

Credit: Cole Ni

50 Cute Doodle Logo Design Collection by Cole Ni

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