
Awe-Inspiring Seasons & Spices Label & Packaging Design for Inspiration


Hi there everybody! We hope that you all are keeping safe and enjoying the holiday season with your near and dear ones and we know that this time of the year deserves to be celebrated without doing a lot of or any work for that matter. But we wanted to share something amazing with you guys so that when you are back to your workplaces or home offices for that matter, you can not only indulge in this creativity but you also have the motivation that you needed to start working on a couple of attractively beautiful design projects in the new year. So, let us get started right away!

Those of you who are into organizing their stuff would know the importance of labeling their things that you guys use on a daily basis as well as the things that you use occasionally too but as far as the kitchens are concerned, we can bet that organizing whatever is there something that brings peace and satisfaction. Although, you do not have to go hardcore Monica when it comes to organizing your articles etc. but we know that once you guys are done reading this blog, you would be able to not only create your own labels but you will also be entice a client into creating a new packaging design for their products.

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We know that many people do not really want to spend a lot of time on creating something when they are working on a certain design project and you know what? We don’t blame those guys. Our reason is that many clients and brand managers have taken the responsibility of rejecting out of the box ideas because their competitors are not doing something different and then they end up producing something that is already in the market.

So, if you are a brand ambassador or a client with a couple of businesses running in the market, you need to understand that when there won’t be any appreciation or recognition of new ideas and creative approaches, nobody would want to put in an effort to make things work for your brand either so while you are all busy ignoring the fact that with different ideas and approaches, you can do so much better than your competition, there are people who will be ahead in the game because they know taking risks is always worth it. Oh, and perhaps for the new year, you can work and let your creative & design teams work on ideas that you have never worked on before to see for yourself that the more different your approach is towards a packaging design or branding for that matter, the better your results will be.

Through our blogs, we are always trying to share ideas and inspirational content with you guys that can help you up your game and you should know that at times, it does not even take a lot of efforts to do something that is not just out of the box, but is so powerful and effective that your audiences have become a fan. That is what you want, right? Clients and customers that love you, that praise your products and services, that spread a positive word of mouth regarding your business and that also help you stay in the market for all the right reasons? Then do what they will like, and only then it will become a win-win situation for each one of you.

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That being said; let’s get back to the main topic of our blog which is: awe-inspiring seasons and spices label and packaging design! Anyone and everyone who creates labels etc., knows how the consumers consume that type of content/designs/labels. Those people not only buy such things with utmost love and interest, but they also take care of their labels as well as the things that they have labeled too. And even commercially as well; labeling and packaging designs can do wonders for the brands that are either planning to launch a new business or are struggling with the brand image and a little revamped packaging can do amazing things for them.

The seasons and spices label and packaging design that we are featuring today in our blog was created by Menta which is a Mexican graphic design studio and has created stunning designs for their clients over the years. The idea is simple yet intriguing as it depicts a tree that is rooted in a bowl fully displaying the healthy products while also resembling a mortar that is used to grind the spices. But we loved the most about this packaging design is that even though it is created using subtle color palettes and fonts, it is super powerful and is working perfectly great for the brand as well.

So, while we get onto the next blog, we encourage you all to go through these designs in detail and don’t forget to share your feedback with us too.

Credit: Menta

Awe-Inspiring Seasons & Spices Label & Packaging Design for Inspiration


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