
Famous Logos in 80’s Style


Hello there everyone! We hope that you guys had a really great time reading our previous blogs and that you are also using the tips and tricks, creative ideas, and everything else that we share here for your personal and commercial projects. For our today’s blog, we decided to share something not so usual with you guys so, we are here with a collection of famous logos in 80’s style skillfully created by Martin Amelung – a graphic designer based in Berlin, Germany. Let’s dive right into what he has created!

Creating logo designs seems to be all fun and games until you realize that you have got some real work to do and that you have to sit down with your creative team first to brainstorm the ideas after which you can assign the task to the graphic design department which will do the needful. Almost all of us have seen days where we thought that this and this task is very easy to deliver but when we actually sat down to execute ideas on the tasks, only then do we realize that nah, this isn’t going to be an easy one. Now, the main reason why that happens is that not a lot of people still believe in the idea of thinking through things before they start working on them.

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And why does that happen, you ask? There can be many different reasons behind that but the ones that we know are lack of acceptance (of workload), no appreciation of creativity, super tight deadlines, etc. and on top of that, you are supposed to deliver at least 3 different creative concepts and designs too. We agree with the fact that you must be open to creating multiple designs in order to present a variety but you can only do that when you know the decision making individuals know what they are looking at, when the client shows acceptance and when you are given ample time to get done and over with a job.

That being said, we would also like you guys to create stuff that is not work-related but you can still own it, you know. We know all of us have very busy schedules to cater to but trying to squeeze in a couple of hours is going to be really beneficial for all of you and we can bet that you won’t regret making that decision for yourself or for the businesses that you are working with. Always keep in mind that it does not require a lot of effort to create something that is super unique and interesting to look at – but all you have to do is to make sure that when you are going in, you are going in with creativity, the attitude of taking a risk while you experiment with a couple of things and you will see all of that working in your favor like you wish it to work.

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In order to create designs that the world will talk about, you can take inspiration from your fellow graphic designers and do not limit yourself to a specific region or race for that, in fact, check out every person’s work that resonates with you in one way or the other, follow them on their websites, social media platforms and see what they are up to. We are sure that many artists, graphic designers, illustrators, etc. also put up nice and detailed tutorials of the techniques that they use so that more and more people can learn from them and can also make even better and more powerful designs with the passage of time as well. It is safe to say that Martin Amelung is one such example who not only designs brilliant stuff for his clients etc., but he also shared them on his Behance too so that those who are suffering from a creative block or those who love taking inspiration can see what he is creating so that they can incorporate the modern techniques, styles and more into their own work.

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1980s are famous for a lot of things but playfulness, creativity, and experimentation are the ones that we love the most and Martin has successfully incorporated all of that into creating this extensive collection of famous logos in 80’s style for the world to see and let our creative juices flow in all the right directions. From the logo created by Martin of Netflix to UPS to NOKIA to Adidas and McDonald’s, we are sure that you will love each one of them.

That is all for today from our end, you guys! If you liked reading the blog, do share your feedback with us in the comments section and also share the blog with your friends, favorite colleagues, etc. as well and we will see you all next time with something more fun and exciting to read. Also, if you guys have any requests or suggestions, do share them with us so that we can improve wherever it is needed.

Credit: Martin Amelung

Famous Logos in 80’s Style



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