
Xocokaia Chocolate | Visual ID + Packaging Design


Hi there everyone! We are back with yet another interesting blog of ours and we can bet that you all are going to love it as much as we did when we were working on it and we just cannot wait to share everything that you need to know in order to make the best and most effective packaging designs. But before we do that, we would love to take a moment here to thank you all for the love and support that you send our way and for also sharing our blogs with the people that you love and care for. And we hope to see more of that happening in the future too.   

The term ‘visual identity / visual ID’ has many different names for example; corporate identity, corporate image, brand identity, etc. but it has to be just perfect to take your brand to the position where you wish to see it. And like everything else in the world, there is no one way of making and then launching your visual identity. You can work on as many creative thought processes as your teams would come up with and after seeing which are working in your favor, you can shelf the rest of them for some other time maybe. But like we have said earlier as well, the identity that you happen to create and use to represent your brand is something that you must take full attention to and we are sure that you will do that so that you can always stay ahead in the game.  

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So, from your public relations, product design, and advertising to everything else that is visualized to represent your brand falls under your brand’s visual ID and there are a couple of rules that you must keep in mind before you sit down with your team members and initiate your brainstorming sessions and more. For example; your brand visual ID needs to be purpose-driven and you must keep it consistent throughout otherwise you might end up confusing your audiences and there are chances that they might not want to stay connected with you in the longer run.   

Then your visual ID must be unique so that there is a clear distinction between you and the competitors. Also, you must ensure that you are not doing anything for the sake of doing it but, in fact, you need to know and understand your audiences, the market and everything that directly and indirectly affects you in order to be always prepared while also making sure that whatever strategies that you are following are solid and foolproof and won’t ditch you (at all).   

Another thing that we would like to share here with you all before we get to Xocokaia Chocolate’s visual ID and packaging design is that you must always stand behind your strategies and everything else that you put out there in the form of your branded communication. Sure, you must take into consideration what your audiences are saying, or maybe your competitors too, but you must never change something to please those who do not benefit you in any sense of the word.  

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Xocokaia is a chocolate brand that not only sells chocolates, but it also invokes all the right emotions to convince you to give at least one of the chocolates a try and when you do that, you tell this to yourself that there is no going back and in a good way, you know!? 😉 Now, what is it that is so powerful about the chocolate, its corporate image as well as its packaging design that you cannot resist?  

Well, it is simple; when you have (finally) cracked the code to offer what your audiences were looking for when you have gotten a solution to all their needs, then they have no other choice but to become your loyal customers and advocates who will wholeheartedly support you and will also promote your business in one way or the other within their personal and professional circles. Allow yourself to go through the visual ID and packaging design in detail to understand the creative thought process and also to get inspired.  

We hope that you guys not only enjoyed reading the blog but that you will also share it with your friends, colleagues and students, etc., as well. Feel free to share your feedback with us in the comments section and also share your suggestions and special requests with us as well so that we can work on them and get back here as soon as we can so that you guys can continue making the perfect designs and more that you love to create. And we will see you all next time with something more fun and exciting to read and work on! 


Xocokaia Chocolate | Visual ID + Packaging Design



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