
15+ Famous Logos Reimagined With Surrealism


Hello, everyone! We are back with yet another super useful and interesting blog of ours and we are sure that you are going to have a really nice time reading it and making the most of everything that we are going to share today. Before we formally begin to talk about what surrealism is and introduce you to the 15+ famous logos that were reimagined with surrealism, we would like to take a moment to thank you all for the love and support that you send our way and for also making sure that your friends, family members and favorite colleagues are reading our blogs. And we hope to see more of that happening in the future as well.

Okay so, before we get into the discussion of how surrealism helps you enhance the overall look and feel of your designs, we would like to first talk about what it really is and how it works. So, make sure that you guys read the blog till the end to know more and then incorporate that knowledge into creating your own designs and then some more.

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In easy-to-understand words, surrealism is known as a movement that made an appearance in Europe in the early 20th century. The movement or the concept of surrealism is known for something that is based on illogical ideas and you can also say that it depicts imagery that is closer to what we see in dreams, you know? Something that’s not too concrete and has a lot of stuff going on and there can be times, when surrealistic art looks bizarre rather than aesthetically appealing, so to speak. Nonetheless, the artistic movement is still very much in fashion and many artists around the world like to showcase their creativity in designs through surrealistic art pieces. We are sure that you will enjoy having a look at these 15+ logos that were reimagined with surrealism and when you do, we would like you all to also let us know which redesigned logos you liked the most.

Now, let’s talk about the elements that can be a part of surrealistic art pieces so that if you have any ideas in mind, you can also formulate them and create something unique for yourself or for your clients, etc. Alright so, one of the main elements of surrealistic art pieces is the use of symbolism and metaphor. Allow us to first share what symbolism and metaphor are so that you guys know what we are talking about!
Symbolism: Symbolism, again is an art movement that emerged in the late 19th century and the art that is created based on symbolism is an attempt to depict the absolute truths. We would like to mention here that symbolism can both be represented through language and art and there are many examples of that in poetry and art pieces such as ‘My heart leaps up’ or ‘The Rainbow’ by William Wordsworth and The Kiss by Gustav Klimt.

Metaphor: Let’s make it super easy to understand that a metaphor is a figure of speech which is used to create a rhetorical effect both in language as well as in art. A metaphor is used to refer to one thing in order to either provide clarity or to identify and showcase hidden similarities between two different ideas or concepts.

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That said, let’s have a look at the other elements of surrealism in this part of the blog!
When it comes to creating surrealistic art pieces, the artists are determined to depict unexpected juxtapositions through their work. They do it by challenging the rational thought that can come to the mind of the viewer who, then would like to spend more and more time understanding what is being said – that can be either to appreciate the art itself or to explore more on the ideas that were being shared by the artists.

Here, it is important to mention that surrealist art is often created by distorting reality or by manipulating it to showcase an exaggerated art piece – as you will notice in these 15+ famous logos, you will be able to understand what we mean.

That is all for today, everyone! If you liked reading the blog, feel free to share your valuable feedback in the comments section down below and while you are at it, don’t forget to share the blog with the people that you love and care for so that they can also learn something new today. And lastly, we would like to say that we will wait for your special requests so send them our way and we will be back here super soon with your requested content and more. Until next time, keep reading and sharing our blogs in your personal and professional circles.



Apple Logo


Apple logo concept by yuyunArts inspired by MC Escher for 99designs by Vista, featured with permission



Inspired by René Magritte


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Artwork by bo_rad for 99designs by Vista, featured with permission



Inspired by Salvador Dalí


Artwork by Emgras for 99designs by Vista, featured with permission



Inspired by Alberto Giacometti


Artwork by LOGStudio for 99designs by Vista, featured with permission



Inspired by René Magritte


Artwork by DAV091 for 99designs by Vista, featured with permission



Inspired by Salvador Dalí

Instagram Logo

Artwork by Isca Marin González for 99designs by Vista, featured with permission



Inspired by René Magritte


Artwork by Yeh for 99designs by Vista, featured with permission



Inspired by Salvador Dalí


Artwork by Mix’d Cultures for 99designs by Vista, featured with permission



Inspired by Salvador Dalí and David Alabo


Artwork by Fredrick Richard for 99designs by Vista, featured with permission



Inspired by Edward James and Salvador Dalí


Artwork by benj638 for 99designs by Vista, featured with permission


X (formerly Twitter)

Inspired by Stasys Eidrigevicius


Artwork by EN_Art91 for 99designs by Vista, featured with permission



Inspired by MC Escher

Open-AI Logo

Artwork by ES Studio for 99designs by Vista, featured with permission



Inspired by Yves Tanguy


Artwork by Daniel Giovanno for 99designs by Vista, featured with permission



Inspired by Joan Miró


Artwork by whynugs for 99designs by Vista, featured with permission



Inspired by Salvador Dalí


Artwork by AlbertFrance for 99designs by Vista, featured with permission



Inspired by MC Escher


Artwork by orange_ for 99designs by Vista, featured with permission



  1. Lettering Experiments With World’s Most Famous Logos
  2. Famous Logos in 80’s Style
  3. World Famous Logos In A Unique Grotesque Art Style
  4. A Must-See Creative Spin on Famous Logo Designs
  5. 10 Hidden Stories Behind the World’s Famous Logos
  6. 10+ World Famous Logos in Unique Lettering by Luis Lili
  7. Brand Identity Test: Can You Guess These Famous Logo Designs?
  8. Hilarious Mix & Match of Famous Logo Designs


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