
20 Book Covers & Binding Techniques in a Box Kit


Hi there, hello there! How are you guys doing these days? We hope that all is well at your end and that you are also having an amazing time reading our blogs and making the most of them too. For our today’s blog, we have something really exciting to share with you guys and we are sure that you won’t only have a great time reading it but will also get inspired to design something of your own for your upcoming projects. Know that we can’t wait to share everything that you guys need to know in order to utilize the shared information to the fullest. But before we do that, we would like to take a moment to thank you all for the love and support that you send our way and for also making sure your friends, family members and favorite colleagues are reading our blogs. And we hope to see more of that happening in the future as well.

If you guys are our regular readers, then we are sure that you must have read our blogs in the past that feature packaging designs and we hope that you also worked on a couple of projects as well using the information and ideas that we shared here. However, this blog is going to be a little different than what we have shared in the past mainly because it features 20 book covers and binding techniques in a box. In easy to understand words, this book kit contains techniques that can help the book designers and other concerned stakeholders showcase their ideas and techniques that they can work on for their clients, etc.

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If you are wondering why there was a need to have a kit like that, then we would like to let you all know that many times, the designers, etc. just do not have interesting stuff to share with their clients so they end up creating boring slideshows that do not really get them the business deals that they are looking to seal. In that case, not only does the time of the creative designers get wasted but they can also feel demotivated and might not want to take up an opportunity in the same category. So, to keep things going in the forward direction where no one feels rejected, we think that this box kit is a brilliant idea and will help many people around the globe.

In addition to that, we would now like to talk about what the box kit actually offers. Make sure that you guys keep reading the blog till the end to know more and make informed decisions.

Okay so, there are many different types of book covers and binding techniques, alright? So, what will you do when a client comes to you and asks for suggestions? Or even more, the kind of work that you have done in the past? Will you show them the books that you designed for your clients or would you want them to go through a collection of dummy books to visualize how their printed books will turn out? We are sure that you will choose the second option because by doing so, you won’t just allow your clients, etc. to be open to ideas before they finalize the cover designs as well as the binding techniques but you will also gain a long-term client who is definitely going to get in touch with in the future as well as you offer more than just the creative discussions or already designed mock-ups; which just by the way, might not be the case with every book designer who is offering their services in the market.

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Before we conclude the blog, we want to share the variety of bookbinding techniques that you will be able to check out in this featured box kit:

  1. Swiss Binding Cover Smyth Sewn Block
  1. Saddle Stitched Cover
  1. Flexibound Cover Smyth Sewn Block
  1. Composite Paste-in Cover Smyth Sewn Block
  1. Side-glued Cover Lay-flat Block
  1. Wire-O Cover
  1. Singer Sewn Cover
  1. Rubber-banded Hinge Cover
  1. Four-crease Paperback Cover
  1. Stitch and Knot Cover

That is all for today, you guys! We hope that all of you enjoyed reading the blog and that you will also share your valuable feedback with us in the comments section down below. We would like you all to share the blog with the people that you love and care for so that they can make the most of it too. And lastly, feel free to send in your special requests so that we can start working on them and be back here with your requested content and more super soon. Until then, keep reading and sharing our blogs with your favorite people.


Book Covers & Binding Techniques Book Covers & Binding Techniques
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