
What Is The Main Difference Between AR & VR?


Hi there, hello there! How are you all doing? We hope that everything is awesome at your end and that you guys are also having an amazing time reading our blogs and making the most of all that we happen to share here. For our today’s blog, we wanted to share something different than the usual content so, here we are with an interesting and super informative blog of ours and we are sure that you will enjoy reading it as much as we did when we were working on it. But wait, we can’t formally begin talking about the blog itself without thanking you guys so, allow us to take a moment to thank you for the love & support that you send our way and for also making sure that your favorite people are reading our blogs. And we would love to see more of that happening in the future as well.

In order to understand the main difference between Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR), it is important to first understand what these terms mean. So, make sure that you guys read the blog till the end to equip yourselves with the necessary knowledge that can help you work on AR or VR-related projects in the near future.

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Both these realities fall under Artificial Reality which can also be called a spectrum of technologies. These technologies are utilized to create simulated experiences or environments. Such experiences or environments are created to either mimic the real world or enhance its already-existing experiences. Artificial Reality covers several types of technologies such as Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR) and Mixed Reality (MR).

Now, let’s explore Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality to understand the main difference between them!

Augmented Reality (AR):

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This technology overlays digital information onto the real world, enhancing the user’s perception of where they are. For example; it uses images, sounds, texts, etc. to show them in the real world while they are not there in reality. Such an experience can be had by using devices like smartphones or AR glasses.


Virtual Reality (VR):

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This technology offers a fully immersive experience in a digital environment. The users can interact with their digital surroundings by using headsets, etc.

And now it is time to understand the main difference between the two realities. Make sure that you guys keep reading the blog as we will also share how you can explore these technologies for your own benefit in the latter part of the blog!

Okay so, by going through the (very) basic definitions of both Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR), you can easily understand the main difference between them which is the way they interact with the real world. Allow us to elaborate more on AR and VR in this part of the blog!

In Augmented Reality (AR), the users still get to interact with the physical world but, of course, with added digital elements. On the other hand, the users cannot interact with the real world in a virtual environment since it entirely replaces the real world. If you guys wish to incorporate either of the two technologies into your projects, etc., then we urge you to keep reading the blog as we are about to help you get started with the whole idea!

You would first like to get familiar with the technology that you want to go ahead with. By doing so, you won’t have to rework after you have planned out your strategies, etc. It’s best that you explore the platforms in detail; the platforms that are relevant to your business or personal usage. In addition to that, you can also spend your money on some inexpensive devices to fully understand how they work for each technology and how can they benefit your target audiences.

One more thing that you should work on is defining the goals that you wish to achieve by utilizing AR or VR for your projects. You can also make the most of the ready-to-use AR/VR apps to explore how they can be used. For personal usage, there’s Google Lens (AR) whereas for commercial purposes, you can use Matterport (VR).

That is all for today, everyone! If you liked reading the blog, feel free to share your feedback with us in the comments section down below and while you are at it, also share the blog with your friends, family and colleagues as well so that they can also learn about AR and VR in detail. Lastly, we would like to encourage you guys to send in your special requests and we will be right back with your requested content and more super soon. Until then, keep reading and sharing our blogs with the people you love and care for.

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