
Is Canva Replacing Graphic Designers?


Hi there, hello there! How are you all doing? We hope that everything is great at your end and that you are also having an awesome time reading our blogs and making the most of all that we share here. Today, we are going to be talking about one of the most frequently asked questions: Is Canva replacing graphic designers? The short answer to this question is no and for a detailed one, you will have to read the blog till the end. So, let’s get to the bottom of it together!

Okay so, when it comes to smart devices and digital tools along with artificial intelligence, people can get scared in various contexts. For example; what if they get replaced at their jobs because, you know there are tools like Canva, ChatGPT and more that can do just the thing for companies? But is that really the case? Because there has to be a human being who is supposed to give a command or two to these tools to get things right? And quite frankly, that’s not even the point here. The point here is no one, we repeat, no one can compete with the human brain. Period.

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However, there can be people who would like to understand why such questions would arise in a person’s mind, right? So, allow us to share a couple of key features of Canva in order to help you get the gist of it.


There is no doubt that Canva is accessible and free too – unless you wish to make the most of it by paying money. That means Canva is one of the best tools to exist that does not only offer you great templates to make designs of a number of items but is so easy to manage that literally anyone can make great designs by using it. Also, you can conveniently use the app on your phone too so that makes Canva not just fun to use but way more accessible as well.

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That said, we would like to talk about how graphic designers can never be replaced. Oh, and not to forget, you cannot replace literally any job that requires creativity and attention to detail while also ensuring that the people who are working on their tasks know what they are doing and are not dependent on mere commands to complete their projects, etc.

Canva is accessible, it’s free and easy to use too but it won’t help you create out-of-the-box designs. And trust us when we say this; you will almost always end up creating generic designs while using Canva for your personal and professional projects. Is that a bad thing? Maybe no, especially if you are creating birthday cards or Instagram Story templates but it does matter when you are running a big-scale business and it is important for your brand to have a unique identity.

Now, who is that person who has the skills to create customized designs and then some more after fully understanding a design brief? A graphic designer, right? But there’s more to what they can do, you know? Graphic designers are capable of offering you more than what Canva can offer – ultimately allowing your brand to always stay ahead in the game. In addition to that, graphic designers can also work on all sorts of projects; from simple to complex because well, they are going to be utilizing their creative thinking abilities as well as the knowledge that they were able to gather through studies and years of learning. That’s something Canva cannot offer.

Moreover, graphic designers can think emotionally too so they will work on ideas that do not seem robotic. Also, these people will consider everything before sharing a design with you such as your brand values, identity and more. However, you can’t expect that kind of intelligence from Canva. We must also add that we are not against these tools that make people’s lives easier but we want you guys to know and understand that these tools may be smart but they can never be as smart or creative as human beings.

That is all for today! We hope that you not only liked reading the blog but that you are also at peace to know that Canva is not replacing or can replace graphic designers. We would like you all to share your feedback with us in the comments section; letting us know if there’s anything you guys would like us to improve and while you are at it, feel free to share the blog with your friends, family and colleagues too. We will see you all next time with something more fun and exciting to read. Until then, keep reading and sharing our blogs with the people you love and care for.




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