
5 Premium T-shirt Design Templates For Commercial Printing


Hi there, everyone! How are you guys doing? We hope that all is well at your end and that you guys are having an amazing time reading our blogs and making the most of what we happen to share here. Our today’s blog features something extraordinary, something so fun and exciting to read and work on and you guys will literally fall in love with it. Know that we cannot wait to share everything that you all need to know in order to make the most of the blog today but before we do that, we would like to take a moment to thank you for the love and support that you send our way and for ensuring that your friends, family and colleagues are reading our blogs and utilizing them to the fullest. And we would love to see more of that happening in the future as well.

In this part of the blog, we are going to be talking about the messages that these premium t-shirt design templates display and we are sure that you will be able to make the most of them for your next (BIG) commercial printing project. So, let us get started. And make sure that you read the blog till the end, okay?

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First things first; when it comes to making t-shirt designs, many people struggle when they are thinking of brilliant and out-of-the-box ideas. Now, what is an out-of-the-box idea and how can you come up with something that falls under that category? Hmm. allow us to share with you guys that doing that is simple – and at times so easy to incorporate too but since we are not looking closely, we tend to feel bad about our imagination and thinking abilities. Anyways, when it comes to thinking of a truly mind-blowing idea for a t-shirt or two, you guys need to know that there are some things that you need to keep in mind.

For example; you should try looking at unusual places (and honestly at places where others won’t be looking at) and take your inspiration from those places. Such as you are looking at the vastness of the sky, trying to grasp it in one glance and you suddenly come up with an idea of exploring what’s around you. And we are sure that you would just feel so much connected to our brilliant design of the t-shirt that says, “Explore the day”.

Recommended: What Is The Most Efficient Method Of T-Shirt Printing?

Moving on, there are other things that you can do in order to make the perfect connections with our t-shirt designs and can also convince your audiences to get their hands on the final products as well. For example; everyone would like to live a happy life, right? And if their life is not that happy at the moment, then they would be glad to follow the one-day-at-a-time rule. So, how about you pick “think happy thoughts…”, tweak it a little if you like and upload the photos on your website and Instagram? We are sure that your customers would love to get their hands on such t-shirts that have a premium design to offer.

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We have talked about it in the past as well and we are going to mention it again that you must incorporate typography into your designs. You have no idea how, by doing that, you can up your design game. Also, when it comes to making t-shirt designs, you guys must know that you are not making random stuff, okay? In fact, you are working on stuff that will be purchased and read (multiple times too) *only* because of what’s written on it. So, why not make something that would be in demand – even more than ever, you know?

We are sure that all our premium t-shirt designs won’t only serve you with the right kind of aesthetic pleasure but you will also make the most through them as soon as you put them up for sale on your digital and social media platforms. So, smile often and dream big, okay? 😉

1. Dream Big T-Shirt Design Template

  1. Available Sizes:  Scalable
  2. Available Format:  Photoshop PSD file
  3. License: Printing Permission For Lifetime | Unlimited Prints
  4. Paid Download ID: 129
  5. Price: $29
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2. Explore The Day T-Shirt Design Template

  1. Available Sizes:  Scalable
  2. Available Format:  Photoshop PSD file
  3. License: Printing Permission For Lifetime | Unlimited Prints
  4. Paid Download ID: 130
  5. Price: $29
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3. Smile Often T-Shirt Design Template

  1. Available Sizes:  Scalable
  2. Available Format:  Photoshop PSD file
  3. License: Printing Permission For Lifetime | Unlimited Prints
  4. Paid Download ID: 131
  5. Price: $29
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4. Think Happy Thoughts T-Shirt Design Template

  1. Available Sizes:  Scalable
  2. Available Format:  Photoshop PSD file
  3. License: Printing Permission For Lifetime | Unlimited Prints
  4. Paid Download ID: 132
  5. Price: $29
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5. Be Kind T-Shirt Design Template

  1. Available Sizes:  Scalable
  2. Available Format:  Photoshop PSD file
  3. License: Printing Permission For Lifetime | Unlimited Prints
  4. Paid Download ID: 133
  5. Price: $29
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Download all Premium T-shirt Designs 50% OFF

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That is all for today, you guys! Feel free to share your valuable feedback with us in the comments section down below. And while you are at it, do not forget to share which t-shirt design templates you guys like the most. Also, you have got to share this blog with your favorite people so that they can get their hands on these premium t-shirt design templates and use them for their upcoming projects. That said, we will see you guys next time with something more fun and exciting to read and work on. Until then, keep reading and sharing our blog posts with the people you love and care for.


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