
Free Apple Watch App Screen Mockup PSD


There are two bigger names in the market when smartphones, devices and gadget are being discussed.

Yes, they are none other than Samsung and Apple; hands down to the stupendous development in technology that is being brought about by these royal brands. However Apple has somewhat outdone Samsung with the ultimate iPhone finishing and breathtaking features. If I say, Apple is the pioneer of touch technology and swiftness of accuracy, it won’t be a brag. It has now become a status symbol to keep an Apple product at hand because since years and years their experimenting with the technology has touched some other mounts of highness, we cannot resist its temptation.

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Now not only it is about MacBook and iPhone, you will also see huge upgrade in an Apple watch where displaying heartbeat, running, steps and speed & hence applications are also being displayed/operated with a touch. You can also receive calls just a click away. Isn’t t wondrous? Down here I am putting forward a free Apple Watch App screen mockup, in which you can display design elements of the application as a presentation for your client or you can also put these up on your blog to give a complete insight of an application through these display screens.

By using this mockup show the conceptual design of an app having all its INS & outs, this also makes the features prominent step by step, all clear and unambiguous so the user can see how to go about an application to unfold its pretty features. For more amazing design, art and tech dose, do check us out again and this can be done when once you subscribe to our blog. Your feedback is welcomed with both arms and our team of graphic designers are also available to solve your queries.

Let us know how we can accommodate you, our best endeavors are done to put together finest of collection that can help you, assist you and inspire you in many ways. Here we go.

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Free Apple Watch App Screen Mockup PSD


Available Format: Photoshop PSD
License: Free for personal and commercial usage
File Format: WinRAR
Mock-up Resolution: 4000 x 3000 px
iPhone X Resolution: 312px × 390px (624pt × 780pt @2x)
Created by Zee Que |

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Free Apple Watch App Mockup




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