You must have noticed that a lot of people and brands have (finally) started to realize that plastic bags are causing serious problems. There are chances that an individual might solve the issues caused by the use of plastic on an individual level in that given situation but there are so many people out there and we still cannot seem to do anything for the greater good. Also, can you imagine a random animal or bird getting rid of a plastic bag or a straw on its own? You cannot, right? Well, that definitely is sad to say the least!
Believe this or not but brown paper bags and pouches have always been there. We just never paid (a lot of) attention to them before and now that it is an alarming situation for the entire population, we are noticing that a number of brands have chosen the right side of doing things. And are using brown paper bags for their packaging – not just packaging by the way, as you will see that brands don’t hand over the stuff in plastic bags now. What they do is that they use branded Kraft paper bags to help you carry the articles that you have purchased. Thanks to awareness and all that customers genuinely appreciate this thoughtful gesture towards the planet.
According to some recent stats., it was observed that more than half of the Spanish markets use paper bags for their dealings and if we talk about their clothing sector then the percentage goes up to 70 percent (of the business sector). However, if we were to share the collective stats. then around 60 percent of the fashion (shoes included), home equipment, optical and regular gift shops prefer using paper bags and pouches on a daily basis whereas, more than 30 percent of bakeries will pack your eatables in a nicely designed paper bag. We are hopeful that more and more brands will have the self-realization call and will quit using plastic altogether in days to come.
Since there will be an increased demand to make and produce paper bags because many governments are also banning the use of plastic shopping bags, we decided to do something for our friends and we proactively created this super awesome Kraft paper food packaging mock-up PSD for you guys. As you all know that whenever we share a mock-up PSD file with you guys, we make sure that it is free to download and fully editable and smart object ready too.
So, all you will have to do is that download this PSD file and customize it as per the requirements of your project or client. Be as creative as you can be to ensure that your designs get approved instantly (but even if they don’t then allow us to share some amazing hacks to get things done in style)!
Always keep this in mind that whenever you take up a design project or whenever you are assigned a task, you must have the designs approved by your client or by your team lead. This is an extremely healthy practice – trust us when we say this because it will help you explore your creativity and imagination in the best possible ways. In addition to that, you will get to know and discuss the endless possibilities with your team members. All the discussions will help you both individually as well as professionally. The best practice to share a set of designs is to create a mock-up presentation and have a run-down session with the decision makers. Just by the way, it can be a virtual meeting too so don’t stress over the fact that you will have to be physically present to demonstrate your ideas and concepts.
The ‘key’ to a successful review meeting is that you create multiple design options to present so that if one of them gets rejected, you have other ideas to show. This will save you a considerable amount of time and there won’t be any back and forth sessions too. That being said, let’s talk about our carefully designed Kraft paper pouch packaging mock-up PSD now.
You will notice that the paper pouch is really long as to give all of you nice space to create designs. It is totally up to you to go on the road of minimalism or carefully add relevant design elements. You will know what works best for you after starting working on one of the locked design directions.
Now let’s have a look at some easy to follow design tips in order to make sure you design nothing but the best:
- Brand the paper bag in such a way that your logo, slogan or tag line are nicely placed and visible enough for the brand recall.
- If there is a sale going on then you must add a call out so that it can be passed on to your potential customers as well.
- Don’t forget to add your social media handles along with a UAN.
And when you do make use of our PSD file, don’t forget to share it with your colleagues & friends as well.
Free Kraft Paper Take Away Food Packaging Mockup PSD
Available Format: Layered PSD with smart object insertion
License: Free for personal and commercial usage
Zip File Includes: Free Take Away Food Packaging Mockup PSD
Mock-up Resolution: 3400 x 2400 px
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