
Free Handholding SD Memory Card Mockup PSD


Hi there everyone! We are back with yet another super interesting blog of ours and we can bet that you all are going to love reading it as much as we did when we were working on it. And since you have already familiarized yourselves with the title of our today’s blog, we won’t take much of your time but we will need a moment to thank you all for the love and support that you guys always send our way and for always making sure our content is being read far and wide (within your personal and professional circles). We hope to see more of that happening in the future too.

Okay so, those of you guys who are familiar with the concept of SD cards would already know a lot about them but for those of you guys who are new in the world of technological innovations or even working on digital devices and accessories, etc. then we would first like to share what an SD card is so that you can make informed decisions when it comes to designing them and then some more. Make sure that you guys read the blog till the end in order to make excellent and effective designs.

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So, basically, an SD card, also known as a Secure Digital card is a proprietary non-volatile flash memory card format. It was developed by the SD Association for use in portable devices. This standard was introduced in August 1999 as a result of the joint efforts that were made by SanDisk, Panasonic and Toshiba. The SD card is also an improvement over MultiMediaCards making the storing and transferring of data even easier and hassle-free as well.

The SD cards are used in digital cameras, tablets, hand held consoles, etc. and we are sure that you guys own at least one of them for your personal and professional usage too. Investing in SD cards as per your needs and demands is also a wise choice in our opinion as you get to enjoy a removable storage solution for a wide range of personal devices and the devices that you happen to use at work.


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SD cards come in multiple types and sizes such as standard SD cards, miniSD cards as well as microSD cards. The most popular or in use are the microSD cards which are not widely used across the globe mainly because of the fact that they are small in size and light in weight and in addition to that, they are compatible with a number of devices as well. You would also know that the microSD cards also come in various capacities for example; gigabytes (GB) and terabytes (TB) as well and that you can get them or upgrade them as per your needs.


Apart from storing videos and photographs, SD cards are also used for storing applications, documents and other data related to work or entertainment purposes and if you are not actively consuming that data in one form or another, you can simply take out the SD card from your device and keep them safe in your laptop bag or wallet, etc. as well.


SD cards are preferred by a huge population of the world because they are not only compatible with a variety of digital devices but they are easy to store too when not in use. But before making a purchase for the SD cards, it is extremely important to check what your device’s specifications are in order to get an SD card that is actually compatible with your device.

That being said, we would also like to mention that the SD cards keep your data safe and ready to be transferred, viewed, etc., it is important for you to make sure that you are handling them with care as the SD cards can get damaged if exposed to water, extreme weather conditions and other physical damage.

And now it is time for you guys to check out our free yet highly editable SD card mock-up PSD file so that you can start making your own unique designs in no time.

That is all for today! We hope that you not only had a great time reading this blog but that you will also share your valuable feedback with us in the comments section and while you are at it, don’t forget to share the blog with your friends, family members and favorite colleagues as well so that they can also work on their designs using our free SD card mock-up PSD file. Also, feel free to let us know about your special requests so that we can start working on them and be back here with your requested content and more super soon.

Free Handholding SD Memory Card Mockup PSD


Available Format: Layered PSD with smart object insertion
License: Free for personal and commercial usage
RAR File Includes: SD Card Mockup PSD

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2. Layers are hidden to decrease the size of the file kindly unhide and place your design on smart layer.
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Download SD Card Mockup





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