
3D Type Explorations by Jérémie Gauthier


Hi, everyone! How are you guys doing? We hope that all is well at your end and that you guys are also having a great time reading our blogs and making the most of them too. Today, we aim to talk about 3D Type designs and how you can create them for your upcoming projects. In addition to that, we will also share an extensive collection of the 3D Type Explorations that were created by Jérémie Gauthier with you so that you check them out and can also let your creative juices flow in the right direction. But before we do that, we would like to take a moment to thank you all for the love and support that you send our way and for also making sure that your friends, family members and favorite colleagues are not only reading our blogs but are also utilizing them for their personal and commercial projects. We would love to see more of that happening in the future as well.

If you guys don’t know about what a 3D Type design is then allow us to mention that it is typography that is created in three dimensions. These types of typography designs are created to show depth or volume which not only looks cool but you also get to engage your target audience from the very beginning. 3D Type designs are amazing for advertisements for digital and social media platforms but in addition to that, they are great for television commercials as well. Moreover, designers and artists can create 3D Type designs for animations too which gives them the edge to create engaging content throughout their campaigns and more. And since 2D designs are usually flat and people do not find them aesthetically pleasing anymore, 3D Type designs are getting the hype that they deserve, to be honest.

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If we are to mention other benefits of creating 3D Type designs, we would like to let you guys know that they are perfect to grab attention and you will be able to deliver all your messages – given that you have worked on them well (because creating designs is not everything, right?!). So, the moment you reveal something written using 3D Type designs, you will make the visual impact stronger and we can guarantee that it will work in your favor. In addition to that, 3D Type designs are nothing but versatile and that is something you must always consider whenever you are creating your designs, etc. because, let’s get real; no one has the time to keep creating new designs every single day to engage with their target audiences, right? But with 3D Type designs, you will be able to customize everything as per the needs and demands of your content as well as the campaigns that you wish to run.

We must also mention here that not a lot of brands are utilizing 3D Type designs for their branding, communication, etc. And do you know what that means? Don’t worry if you can’t come up with an answer because we are here to share everything that you guys need to know to make the most of 3D Type designs and then some more. Okay so, by using this technique of writing content, you guys will have a stronger branding as compared to your competitors and that’s something that will help you in the long run too. Allow us to also mention that you guys cannot only create 3D Type designs for logos and other branding elements but you can also utilize the technique to create product packaging, marketing materials and other relevant elements.

Also, while you guys will be creating out-of-home marketing materials (OOH) for your businesses, one-time events and more, it is important that you guys create 3D Type design elements for your digital and social media content as well. By doing so, you will be able to make the most of the art of storytelling too which is crucial for brands and their success in the market. That said, it is now time for you guys to check out what Jérémie Gauthier has created in the form of 3D Type Explorations.

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That is all for today! We hope that you enjoyed reading the blog and that you are excited to create a bunch of 3D designs for yourself as well as for the clients that are associated with. We would also you all to let us know which 3D designs you liked the most in the comments section down below and while you are at it, don’t forget to share this blog with the people that you love and care for. We will see you all next time with something more exciting and fun to read and work on. Until then, keep creating magical designs!


3D Type Explorations by Jérémie Gauthier



  1. Cool Typography Inspirational Quotes To Motivate
  2. 50+ Cool Illustrations & Inspirational Typography By Tobe Fonseca Studio
  3. Best of Behance | Lettering and Typography Inspiration
  4. 25+ Breathtaking 3D Typography For Inspiration
  5. 45+ Awesome Lettering & Typography Designs for Inspiration
  6. 50+ Creative Inspirational Hand Lettering / Typography by Stefen Kunz


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