
Brand Identity Inspiration 2023 | Digital Health Platform Nphies


Hi, there friends! We hope that you all are having a fantastic time reading our blogs and that you are super excited to check out what we are about to share with you today. But before we do that, we would just like to take a brief moment and thank you for the love and support that you guys send our way and for always encouraging us to keep creating the stuff that we love to create. And we hope to see more of that happening in the future as well.  

First things first; we would like to share what brand identity is so that the people who are just starting to work on their projects, etc. know what we are talking about without having to worry about anything. Those of you guys who are students or have an interest in working on brand identity designs can make the most of the information that we are going to share here so make sure that you have read the blog till the end, alright?   

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Okay so, a brand identity is basically a corporate identity or visual identity that is created for organizations and more in order to appear in front of the audiences, competitors and other businesses in the market even if they are not operating under the same category of the said business. To make your brand identity work, there are a couple of things that you can follow and you will ensure that whatever you have done was worth your time, effort and creative skills as well. Allow us to share how you can work on a kickass brand identity!  

Define an objective or goal that you wish to achieve for your brand. It has to be relevant and not too far-fetched especially if you are about to launch a business. We know that as a business owner, you would like your business to become one of the most successful businesses that exist in the market but it can take some time and with the right planning and strategy, you will see your business reach the point where it is supposed to be at. In order to fulfil the needs and demands of your customers or targeted audiences, you need to define what you can provide them with as per the insights that you can get after getting to know them in detail.   

Then you will have to develop the visual identity through which you can put up a good show in front of the targeted audiences by creating a color palette that complements the brand that you are about to launch, the visuals, language and most importantly the tone of your communication. For example; you would like to keep it fun and exciting if it’s a brand for kids’ toys and serious but subtle if it’s a law firm. Then bring all of the elements together and you will end up having a great brand identity that you can use for all sorts of communication across all the platforms that you will be using for your branded communication and more.   

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And that is exactly how this beautiful brand identity for ‘Nphies’ came into being. Let us share what Nphies is and then we will share the details of the brand identity that will inspire you in many different ways. Nphies is a digital health platform that is designed to connect all the concerned healthcare stakeholders in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and bring them to one place. It is used to control various processes related to the healthcare sector such as storing and maintaining the medical information between the HCPs, insurance companies as well as any third-party administrator.  

The main design idea was inspired by the nervous system beautifully depicting the process of connecting, storing, and transmitting information and getting things done same as the brains behind Nphies have in mind for their platform. The color palette, fonts, imagery and powerful words are brought in together to create an attractive and meaningful brand identity and we are happy to share it with you guys. We encourage you to check out Nphies brand identity in detail and allow yourself to get inspired too.   

That is all for today! We hope that you guys not only had a great time reading the blog but that you will also share it with your friends, favorite colleagues and anyone & everyone you think who can learn a thing or two or get inspired from this brand identity design. We would love to read your suggestions, requests and feedback on the blog too so feel free to share them all in the comments section down below. And we will see you all next time with something more fun and exciting to read and work on super soon.  

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Brand Identity Inspiration | Digital Health Platform Nphies



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