
Despicable Me 2 minion Icons 128 Px PNGs


Some movies are just so unforgettable. They leave a mark on the heart and trigger one’s mind. Being a movie-holic, there is hardly any movie which did not come to pass my eyes. I have a strong interest for animated movies and the one which is top on my watch list is all what I’m yearning for.

The most awaited animated movie of this season is cheeky, fun-packed, crazy and mischievous Despicable me 2. The temptation of the minions is multiplying as soon as we are running towards the release date of the movie which is July 3, 2013.

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Despicable me 2 Minions look so adorable, little fun bombs, crackling like kids, noisy like fire crackers, tickling one’s wit and making one fall in love with their stupid movements and ironical taunts to each other. Keeping the craze of minions intact today I arranged a post of Despicable me 2 minion icons. You can use these in your message box to send away to your friends and wherever you want. Take it away!

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Minion Icons 




License: Free for non-commercial use
All characters are © by Universal Pictures

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    • For Android: Use Apps Organiser / Folder Organiser to assign the new icons to the shortcuts/apps.
      For Android: Use App Icons that is also free (to import your own photos/PNGs to assign new icons for your existing apps )

  1. hi, how can i download this , when i click on the “Minion Icons PNGs

    25620 downloads” it’s redirected me to this link “”

  2. Is it possible to share the vector file of these minions images? I need a vector files for the printing company to print in large sizez and I will do minion cutouts for my baby girl birthday party. Is it possible?

  3. Because of these icon are so amazing, I’ve got Violation of the intellectual property of Google Play. Please kindly help me to get the right to use it in my free game.
    For the set “Despicable Me 2 Minions Vector (Ai, Eps, Cdr) & High Res PNGs”, I can get the license and for this, can I?
    I’m looking forward to you response 🙁

    • All icons are the sole property of Universal Pictures and there is no license for distribution either in any software, game or anything. You can only buy the custom made minions that is already available. People are using vector minions on tshirts, cushions, mobile covers, bags, wall decals etc and selling them on ebay and amazon. There is no violation to sell them but google is more strict when it comes to someone’s property. I would suggest you to make your own kind of characters rather than the real minions. Best of luck!

  4. I have downloaded this pack, unzipped it but when i right click an icon select customize and choose this folder for icons it states that it contains no icons could you kindly assit

    • Kindly download the icon set again, i have included “ico” & “icns” ico works on windows and icns works for mac. Just do the same thing and this time use ico for custom icons. Enjoy! 🙂

    • Right click on your folder that you want to change to minion character. Go to properties > then customize > change icon and browse minion ico.

  5. love the minion and monsters icons. Any chance to get more minions in the future? Looking forward to any Disney characters too!

  6. Hi, thanks for your Support
    Can I use these Icons on comercial Tshirt when I write
    (All characters are © by Universal Pictures) and as well mention you

  7. Hi, I want to learn to make phrases and sayings using Minions. I know how to copy and paste but am concerned about copyright infringement. There are a lot of people using Minions but do they have permission or is it not necessary if not sold? I’ve seen nothing done by others with my thoughts or phrases. I will need to purchase a program to create what I want and don’t have much money to do so. Do you have suggestions? This is mainly a hobby to help fill my many hours confined to bed. I’d appreciate your help.

    Thank you,

  8. Hello, I would like to create an email to send to clients, and I would like to put the Minions it, but I am confused if it would be commercial use. I would like to help. Thank you, and I’m sorry for my bad English.


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