
10 Vital Tips Before Starting A Personal Portfolio Website


Every artist should showcase his work officially so it would get more exposure among people, in this way people would come into terms with his specialty, more of them would have a better know-how about his works, they would get across his mechanisms and they can also seek inspiration from his masterpieces. For this perspective, an artist must bear in mind how to make a website to make his recognition possible.

1. A creative logo design or your good name:

To start up a website, the first and foremost important thing is to put up either his logo design or his good name to give a definite expression about his workings. A logo design gives the implications about what exactly an individual holds command over and what it stands for.  Do check out Logo Design Trends 2014 for inspiration

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Andrew Dotson using logo design instead of his good name



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Rogie King is using beautiful typography logo for his name



2. Tagline / A short information about what you do:

The second pertinent aspect of a website is to pick out a good and apt tagline that suits your profession and designation. It should be comprehensive enough to be understood and easy enough to be gotten across.  

Buatoom from Thailand using introducing himself



Meagan Fisher also introducing herself



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3. About Me (All about yourself)

You are supposed to inform people through “About ME “category about your professional experiences and how long have you been in the respective field. You can show your interests and your strong side you love to work on. In short your strengths, forte and your awards should be mentioned here precisely.


4. Services

There is a variety of things you can mention here. You ought to draw people’s attention towards the services you offer and how can you accommodate them in several ways, you can do that by stating the genres you are good at for instance, logo designs, web designs, web development or photography etc. depending on your profession.

Beautiful example of services from Creativedash



5. Portfolio (Showcase your best work)

Put forward your best work in your portfolio. Don’t enclose the casual works you have had done for your folks or the works that have been not very impressive, go with the quality of your previous works and mention only compact and inspiring projects in your portfolio. Show your versatility and the spheres you are expert at.

Beautful example of Julien Renvoye personal portfolio website



Absolutely beautiful Mike’s portfolio website



Also check out Ryan Putnam Portfolio website



6. Your Resume

Your resume should be classy enough to show that the person is creative and professional as well. It should be detailed enough and not a drag. Don’t forget to mention, “What makes you different”. Your uniqueness should be highlighted over and over in your resume & it should be equally vocal and attractive. Your resume should be available in Microsoft Word and PDF format that can be easily downloaded or if possible then make a “refer a friend form” so it may be forwarded to the seeker of your potentials.

Check out resume examples for inspiration or you can use free resume template as well


7. Blog / News

Make inspirational posts of your specialty on your blog, suppose if you are a photographer, make diverse posts about it showcasing the photos you captured around the world or you can also post the photos taken by other photographers, it would give a boost to the collective work of your blog, people who visit you can pass by your portfolios as well through this platform; it is a very useful tactic to gain traffic on your website. You can also make tutorials to serve the learners; it would make your website a resourceful board. This is the only way of gaining audiences of your interests.

Examples of websites running blogs



Orman Clark running blog separately



8. Your Service Charges / Hour Rates / Time Duration

The trend of not mentioning your work rates has been changed. In that way it became tough to entertain tons of emails, as everyone requests and put forward the queries about how you deliver your work and the procedure of payments. Now this trend is evolved, people showcase rates on their website to accommodate people and to avoid hassle, per hour rates ought to be mentioned so the thing would become once and for all clear and vivid, if you are a jack of many trades then you must mention the rates/duration of every genre you excel separately to refrain from any confusion in the minds of your people.

Here is a nice example of rate list another example i found here


9. Social Networking Website links

The more up to date you are on social networking sites the more you would gain traffic to your blog, people would know how active and devoted you are for your work. If you are a graphic designer you can showcase your portfolio on the following networking sites to get exposure, for instance,,, and etc. Don’t forget to link up to your linkedin profile.

Check out free collection of social media icons for your portfolio website.


10. Contact Details

Do mention your contact details that from where you are operating, it may be your email address. If you are new in this field then you can leave your telephone number so people would contact you straight away, in a way it shows your keenness for your work. Besides this, if you do not want to unfold your telephone number then you can simply put up ‘contact form’ for people’s assistance.


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