
Beautiful Corporate Identity Design of Turkish Airlines Authority


Hi there everyone! We hope that your work life is treating you well and that you are having a great time off work too. Since 2020 has almost ended and for good, we are sure that all of you must be busy with getting done and over with the task lists so that you can step into 2021 with a clean slate – but even if you do not get to be done, know that, that would be okay as well as we all had a long year and we deserve these pauses and breaks and some delays here and there too.

Earlier this week when we were going through our comments section catch up with you guys, we realized that we needed to share one more blog on corporate branding an identity designs so that if you are already planning to work on something or if you are working on the execution of a project, you might be able to get some more ideas to do the task the right way. For our today’s blog, we have picked the corporate identity design of Turkish Airlines Authority and how this art director from Istanbul, Turkey (Ahmet Yasin) came up with an excellent ides to redo some of the things in the already existing identity design. Let’s have a look at that and more!

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Here is something about the Turkish Airlines Authority first and then we will move on to the process of how it to bring transition to the identity of the company. So, Turkish Airlines Authority was founded in 1933 and was made operational to carry out all sorts of airport related jobs in Turkey. The States Airport business is in control of all the air traffic regulations along with the Turkish government and perform the duties with mutual agreements throughout the country as well as for the international flight operations and everything that concerns the air traffic.

The concerned departments and authorities needed to show the brand as a depiction of their culture when they came up with a modern touch in the design for a contemporary name and corporate identity. The main idea of the identity design is to reflect the cultural values to the world nicely. The solution that was provided to the company to achieve their brand identity goal was to incorporate the very core component of the Turkish culture. The design team took their inspiration from the bird Tuğrul (Simurg) that is also known as Zümrüd-ü Anka in Turkish mythology and symbolizes immortality & resurrection.

That was the idea that the company needed to use so that they could depict what they stand for and what their commitments are. As subtle, to the point and powerful the symbolism is, we think the entire creative and design deserves a round of applause for carrying out this task so brilliantly that it speaks for itself and needs no introduction. The design and identity of the brand was given a meaning by using Tuğrul Bird’s essence into the design.

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Through minimal and modern design elements, the culture of Turkey was portrayed amazingly and the shades of turquoise that were used to develop the designs brought life to everything. It is also important to note here that this shade of turquoise is known as Turkish color around the globe so, there is that. Now, everything that is related to the Turkish Airlines Authorities is done using the brilliantly designed logos, art works and design elements and they not only look unique but they are a true reflection of the country they belong too as well and that is the main idea of any brand that exists on the face of the earth.

Before we conclude this blog today; we would like to talk about a few things that can help you work on corporate identities so that you can help the businesses reach where they deserve to be. Keep reading to get to know our tried and effective tips and tricks!

First things first; no matter how big or small an organization is, your primary goal must be to put it out there like there is no tomorrow. Be it a digital or a social media platform or any on-ground activity, you must make sure that whatever you create for the brand makes it stand out in the crowd and it becomes irresistible. The day your brand will become too hard to ignore is the day you will see it touching the sky.

In order to achieve all your marketing and advertising goals like a boss; you must always find the gap that your competitors cannot find and bring a solution for it. Also, ensure that you are easy to access and worth the money too. Your communication needs to be on point, relevant and understandable for the target audience and you must always be there to make things right if, for some reason someone does not feel that you are the best brand to exist. Make your customers a priority and they will make you, theirs.

That’s all for today! We hope that our today’s blog will help you learn a few things today and that you will follow them to create amazing strategies and artworks for your businesses.

Credit: Ahmet Yasin



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